Mrs Luff & Ms G

Weekly Live Virtual Meeting
Wednesdays 11:30a.m 

Mrs. Luff’s EL Assignment 6.8.20

You can either complete 45 minutes of Imagine Learning, or complete the assignment below:


This week, we will be reflecting on our year. I would like to you to complete the following sentence starters:

One thing I have loved about this grade is…

One thing that was difficult for me was…

One thing I learned was…

One thing I am excited about for next grade is…

Please choose one of the ways to tell me your thoughts:

  1. You can complete the sentence starters in writing on the End of Year Padlet:


  2. You can complete the sentence starters orally using the flipgrid.

Assignment for the week of June 1st

EITHER complete 45 minutes of Imagine Learning

OR complete and turn in the assignment below

Complex Sentences

  1. Review Simple and Compound Sentences using the edpuzzle link below. Answer the three questions at the end.

  2. Watch the video lesson about COMPLEX sentences.

  3. Using the Padlet, complete the complex sentences with your own independent clauses.


  4. CHOICE: Choose 1 activity from below and complete on the Choice Activity Sheet.
  • Do the Fun with Complex Sentences Worksheet, found on the choice activity sheet.
  • Write a narrative about your favorite thing to do. Describe what you do. Who do you do it with? When do you do it? Why do you like to do it? Write at least 5 sentences and include at least 1 simple sentence, 1 compound sentence and one complex sentence.

Complex Sentences Activity Checklist.docx

Mrs. Luff's EL work for the week of 5.26.docx
Simple or Compound Sentences Activity Checklist.docx

 Mrs. Luff's EL work for the week of 5.18.docx
shades of meaning 2 choice activity sheet.docx

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